Around The Store With Stew

Hot, Trendy Items
The D’Amelio family has a combined social media following of over 390 million followers. They’re from Norwalk and stopped by our Norwalk store last weekend to promote their new Be Happy Snacks popcorn, which is selling for $3.99 for a 5 oz. bag. Aaron Judge of the Yankees just introduced a Prime sports drink that is $2.99 a bottle or 2/$5. Guy Fieri from The Food Network just introduced his tequila ($50 a bottle), 50 Cent just introduced a champagne (hold your breath…it’s $150 a bottle) and a cognac (hold your breath again! It’s $250 a bottle). We ordered over 500 bottles and, believe it or not, we sold out! Glenn Howerton (Always Sunny in Philadelphia) has a whiskey, $30 a bottle.

Customers Are Loving
Stew's In Clifton
We’re off to a roaring start at our new store in Clifton, NJ. Customers are amazed! They are loving our meats and fresh local NJ produce. They are still learning about what our butchers can do to their filet mignon and what Stew’s Gold is. (If you don’t know, Stew’s Gold is our oven-roasted turkey that’s $3/lb. less than other roasted turkey deli meat. We discontinued Boar’s Head a few years ago.) But you know what they REALLY love? Our spicy guac! Clifton shoppers bought double the amount of it than our Paramus shoppers over the 4th of July.

What's The Definition of "Local"?
Everyone loves the word “local” and wants to buy “local.” But what does it mean? It’s hard to use geographic labels (local from NY? NJ? CT?) because some states are bigger than others. I spoke with a chef in Rhode Island who used local for everything from RI. Then, he visited his friend in Texas. Some of the “local” Texas food was a 5-hour drive away. Is that still local? My definition of local is this: if I can wake up in the morning, drive to the farm, meet with the farmer and his family, and then be home for dinner…that’s local to me!
Why Do We Sell So Many Lobster Rolls?
We’ll sell over 200,000 lobster rolls this year! First of all, we put plenty (almost a quarter pound!) of 100% fresh lobster meat, and hot melted butter, all on a potato roll. That’s the Connecticut version. We also make one with our lobster salad, which has mayo – and that’s the Maine version. Other than a mouthwatering sandwich, the price is just $12.99. A friend just visited the Hamptons and said they are charging $40 each but, then again, that’s the Hamptons! See how it's made!
How Do You Grill Juicy - But Not Greasy - Burgers?
Chef Chris Papp and I appeared on CBS 2 last weekend to answer this question. Chris is a CIA-trained chef and Guy Fieri recently told him that he grilled a tomahawk steak “perfectly!” Chris’s dad, Fred, was our seafood manager in Norwalk and Yonkers for many years. Watch the interview.
Wines That Are Tickling My Feathers
My daughter Blake spotted a wine at the VinItaly wine show. It’s from Sardinia, one of the Blue Zones, which is one of five zones around the world where people are known to live to be 100. This wine, Argiolas Vermentino, is a delicious crisp, white wine. When Blake asked the third-generation family the secret to how their grandfather lived to be 100, they said, “he drank a little bit of this every day.” Watch the video.
I Listened...Fewer Videos
I love writing this recap of things happening at Stew’s and you seem to enjoy it too. I’ve been trying different formats. Last month I included lots of videos, and YOU DIDN’T LIKE THE FORMAT! Ok, fewer videos this month
What Do You Do With Leftover Food At Stew's? Do You Throw It Out?
First of all, the secret is having a high turnover of the products so there is NOT anything left over. That’s the ideal world. The real answer is that we donate leftover food to local soup kitchens, food pantries, and charities like Food Rescue US. Each of our stores works with about 15-20 local charities. We’ll also donate unsaleable produce to our local farmers to feed their animals. And, if you need coffee grounds to fertilize your garden, just ask at our coffee bar! They’ll be happy to give them to you.
Questions From You...
Joseph R. asked:
" What are you doing to manage your costs to blunt the impact of rising prices you are asking consumers to pay? What else can be done to curb escalating prices?"
Our farmers, ranchers, and fishermen are feeling the same pressures we all feel about rising prices. They’ve had their labor rates go up, and it costs them more to fill their tractors up with fuel. But the good news is that a lot of these price increases are leveling off. Prices were about the same this 4th of July as last year. A few hiccups. Egg prices are up but, our farmer says it’s due to high chicken feed prices. $4.09 this year vs. $2.39 last year for a dozen XL eggs. Cattle herd sizes – the lowest since 1951- and weather issues (draught) have led to our ranchers not wanting to invest in new cattle. If they can’t eat grass, the cattlemen have to feed them grain. It’s put pressure on the meat prices. Hopefully, we’ll see a correction. The main goal is to get the best meat available. PERIOD!
For the ordinary family business in America, unless you’re selling a luxury item from Gucci or Louis Vuitton, if you raise your prices…sales are going to go down! I believe the industry will regulate itself. I’ve been telling CNN and Fox News that you’ll save money by shopping our app deals, buying private label products (you’ll save up to 30% versus national brands), making meals at home, and walking away from our demos!
Water Safety
Fun but scary time. Pools, beaches, and lakes are all open and we’re enjoying the water with our families. But, remember, drowning is the number one cause of death for children under the age of 4. Why? You moms/dads/grandparents know that many of these kids turn into Spiderman at that age. Where did they go? Here are some tips from Laurie, our chief Stewie the Duck Officer at the Stewie the Duck Swim School in Norwalk:
• Always swim near a lifeguard but remember…lifeguards are the backup! Parents, or the designated water watcher, should never take their eyes off the kids.
• Put down your phone! Drownings happen in seconds. We see that it’s usually a lapse in supervision – not a lack of it.
• No matter what time of year, keep your child enrolled in swim lessons so they can learn how to swim and BE SAFE in and around the water! Kids who take swimming lessons are 88% less likely to drown than kids who do not.
Local Produce Is In Full Swing.
But Why Is It Earlier This Year?
The weather is warming up and we’re following the fruits and vegetables up the coastline. Georgia just wrapped up with peaches and corn and now NY is hot, hot, hot. We’ve found 73 local farms within NY, NJ, and CT. Most are family-owned, and we’ve been doing business with some of them for 20-30 years. NJ is adding new items each day. Corn and blueberries are hot right now. There is less rain this year and that gives the crop more flavor. It will be a GREAT YEAR FOR LOCAL FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.
Don't Buy This Item!
Trü Frü are chocolate-covered fruits. Just like the chocolate-covered strawberries you buy at Valentine’s. Why shouldn’t you buy them? They are addictive. I could be good for the entire bag! Don’t ask about the calories!
Frozen Watermelon...My New Summer Dessert!
I was telling my nutritionist about my sweet tooth at night and she suggested I try freezing some fruit. I picked up one of our freshly cut watermelon bowls and stuck it in the freezer. I'm addicted and so is my daughter, Chase! See the video.